Tuesday, April 7, 2015

3D Robotic Sculpting: A Basic Introduction

For as long as can be remembered the world of design has always been a complex one. From the moment that an idea is conceptualised to the design process and sculpting, making an idea come to life was a long process. With larger sculptors in particular, whether for film, television or even to recreate a historical artifact, whatever the purpose; creating something could take months however this process has now been drastically improved as a result of some incredible advancements in technology.

3D robotic sculpting has completely changed the design world for good and in fact made the entire creative process a whole lot easier then it could have ever been. Using state of the art machinery and computer software, what could have taken months to create now only takes weeks.

As our reliance upon technology continues to grow, robotic sculpting is no doubt going to continue growing and is expected to maintain a strong prominence and role in the creation of incredible work.

Not sure what robotic sculpting is and how it works? Below are a few of the basics to help you get understand it all...

Robotic Sculpting or 3D Robotic sculpting as it is often known is exactly what it sounds like. CNC Robotic arms use 3D scanning capabilities to create an object or exact replica.

Robotic sculpting has been a part of the design and manufacture world for many years and most popular is used to create buildings, sets and replicas for film and television however it has also prominently been used for the replication of historical statues.

The original idea is scanned and data is downloaded onto a computer. The computer programme is then used to render the perfect 3D design that is needed; this can often be a long process as it is important that, before the sculpting begins, the design is perfect. Many professionals can alter the scan and add or remove elements to create exactly what you are after.

Once the design is complete, the robotic arm can begin sculpting. Although it is not a speedy process, robotic sculpting can create the object of desire far quicker then it manually could.

Robotic arms can generally sculpt a multitude of materials including granite, marble, foam, glass and plastic.

Whether you're looking to create something unique for your business, whether you are after a vital piece for television, film or a stage set or are simply curious as to how things are brought to life, hopefully the above points will have given you some food for thought.

Next time you see a model or sculpture, have a closer look; you never know, 3D robotic sculpting may have played a part!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8887403

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